Genre #1: Political Cartoon
Genre #2: Poster
Composition Rationale
In my inquiry-based researched essay I discussed the issue of the racial wealth gap and how several laws that the US government had passed throughout history have contributed that that racial wealth gap. In the following genres, I have chosen I decided to target two different audiences so that both sides can make a change.
In my political cartoon, the target audience is the US government. I wanted to show that the primary reason for the racial wealth gap in today’s society is because of the numerous laws and policies that the US government have passed since the beginning of Americans that has oppressed Americans in accumulating their wealth. The US government has the ability to address the issue and make a change because they’re the ones who can make and pass laws. I want to bring more awareness to this issue because the racial wealth gap is something that limits opportunities such as, medical needs, quality education, and career opportunities among the American public based on their race. A political cartoon is an ideal genre to utilize if I intend to target the US government. Political cartoons are generally published through newspapers, online articles, and online magazines; therefore, this type of genre is accessible to the public. When keeping up with the current news, politicians would use these types of mediums and they could see the political cartoon.
The rhetorical strategies I used in this genre are pathos and logos. I labeled each brick with a policy that the government had passed or did not prevent from happening. With each brick falling and piling on top of the black American, it further restricts him from climbing up the stairs. The stairs symbolize the gap in wealth accumulation between the two races. To target the audience’s emotions, I wanted to show that the black man was struggling and begging the government to stop obstructing their goal to go on top of the stairs to be where White Americans are with their abundance in riches.
In my poster, my target audience to be black Americans. Black Americans live every day with disadvantages such as living in a poor neighborhood with inadequate school systems and lack of educational resources. Without proper education, it is difficult to get a high pay salary career. These disadvantages are not experienced in many people within the White American population compared to people within the Black American demographic, and the US government’s past actions can be to blame. Living with limited opportunities, Black Americans can voice their experiences, opinions so that they can fight for a change. Like a domino effect, if there are more voices for change, it increases the attention of the issue so that the US government would be aware of the problem and their actions. To spread awareness for change, a poster is a fitting genre because access to posters don’t require poor black Americans to buy a newspaper or a technological device. Posters can be posted in the streets, transportations, or any public spaces.
To appeal to my audience, I used pathos as a rhetorical strategy. By drawing a fist and using the word “fight” I intend to initiate a sense of power and union among black Americans so that they can exactly what the poster states—to fight for a change. In order to initiate change, I demand the black American community to march. Marching would gather media, global, and worldwide attention. The attention that politicians can’t ignore. By gaining attention politicians of the US government would have to address the issue of the racial wealth gap.
The racial wealth gap has been a problem since black Americans were brought into America, although there’s little progress to limit the issue, it is not enough. In my composition in two genres both of my genres are accessible to both audiences, therefore my goal to decrease the wealth disparity by bringing awareness to both the US government and black Americans can be accomplished.